Quick notes to your email inbox

With SelfNote, you can quickly write notes, reminders or bookmark links from your browser and send them to your own email. The concept is to send notes to self and receive them in the email inbox to be read or managed at a later time.

Anything, Anytime!

With just a few taps and its quick share to self functions, you can create a new note and send it directly to your email inbox. This makes it easy to capture ideas and thoughts as they occur to you, without having to worry about forgetting them later on.

Not just text...

Jot down ideas, links, articles, record audio, take photos... Read it later and never forget with SelfNote.

Customize your notes

Sometimes you just want to remember or write down something for later. Send notes, links and reminders to your email inbox.

SelfNote from any app

Have you found something interesting online? With just one click, you can send yourself an email from any app right away.

Get support

If you need to ask anything about our products or services, we are here to help.